is the latest Visual Enhancement Kit for Arma 3 using Reshade

This preset for Reshade comes with 17 different Looks created for Arma 3.
Make sure you delete your previous Reshade.
Delete or move the following files:
- reshade-shaders folder
- dxgi.dll
- ReShade.ini
Simply unzip Real Light in your main Arma3 folder where the game.exe is. The same 3 elements as above must appear within your arma folder.
If you already installed the latest reshade version from then Real Light won’t work out of the box. Use the MultiLUT effect in latest reshade and the MultiLut_Atlas1.png from this download to migrate the real light effect into your existing reshade installation.
Pos 1 | Toggle Reshade Menu |
Page Up | Toggle Effect |
Page Down | Reload Effect |
Print Screen | Screenshot |
Switch Looks
Open reshade menu via Pos1-Key and look down at the end. There is a dropdown to choose looks from.
If you like what I do you can buy me a coffee or help with the server costs.
There are many different displays out there with individual settings. This preset is based on a color graded monitor with default settings ingame. It is impossible to please everyone with that much variables.
Make sure you get rid of a previous installation of Reshade. If you added my presets to an existing Reshade installation and it doesn’t work I can’t help you. Start fresh and you’re good.
Check the right side above.
Press POS1 on your keyboard. It is in the block above the arrow keys. In the Reshade menu you can change the bindings.
Depends on your taste. I created the looks with 100% default settings ingame. Tweak it to your liking!
Yes. In fact you got multiple options. You can use the ingame saturation option in the arma menu or you can lower it via the reshade settings. In the first tab “Home” you can see two sliders at the very end. Luma is for brightness – Chroma is for color. Please note that this color settings determins the application of color of the used LUT.
Try to disable Battleye – we always have to wait until they whitelist Reshade. If that doesn’t help ask the creators of Reshade at
The Reshade Team:
Crosire – – Marty McFly – Ioxa – JPulowski – LuciferHawk and Otis / Infuse Project